Spoken Word - I See people

Friday 20 January 2017

Jesus is the only way to God - End of Story.

You cannot have an "Each to their own" attitude when it comes to your faith in Jesus Christ. There is no other name under heaven by which man can be saved but the name of Jesus. End of Story. As a Christian, you have to realise that you cannot have an "Each to their own attitude when it comes to your faith in Jesus Christ - this passive and deceptive mindset is destructive and inherently selfish. If you are truly a Christian you will know and recognize that without the Lordship of Jesus there is no hope for man, you will know that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one shall come to the father other than through Him - If this is the case, if you truly believe this - why would you sit back and say each to their own, knowing full well that someones "own" will surely lead them on a path of destruction?

 As a Christian, the Lord has put in my heart a love for every individual, irrespective of what they believe in, therefore I would never dislike or abuse someone because of what they believe. However, because I love them, I will not hold back what I know is the truth, just because I may offend in what I say. I will not keep quiet about the fact that Jesus is not just a teacher or guide to me - but my Lord - the Son of God! I will not water down my believing in Jesus as being something that is personal to me - this Gospel that I am a custodian of is for the whole world! The Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jehovah witness, Atheist Satanist etc. world! I will not disrespect you for believing what you believe, I will not try and force you to believe, but I will with the deepest love and compassion burning in my heart share the Gospel with you, I will boldly and unashamedly proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus, I will not hold back, not for anything or for anyone, because one single soul is too precious for me to keep quiet.

 I will not act like faith is a life choice like choosing a sport to play or a favorite food, it is not a life choice, it is a life and death choice and there are only two options, Jesus is the only way to life. I am unapologetic about this message, I know it's not politically correct, or what some may call "Tolerant" but I'm an Activist for Jesus Christ and I refuse to ever be a passive Christian when souls are perishing every day simply because someone kept quiet because they didn't want to offend someone. 

If you are reading this and you believe in something other than the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I want you to know that I love you, I respect you, but I will never water down the truth of the Gospel to try to avoid offending you, I value your soul too much. The Lord Jesus is the only way to salvation - anything else, no matter how nice it may look is preparing the way for destruction. Only the Lord Jesus can bring you into a relationship with God, anything less than Him will keep you separate from Him in this world and that which is to come. 

Jesus died, Jesus was buried, Jesus rose again, Jesus is alive and He's coming back very soon. 


And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among people by which we must be saved [for God has provided the world no alternative for salvation].” Acts 4: 12 AMP


 Jesus said to him, [a]I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.  John 14: 6 AMP

For there is [only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and mankind, the Man Christ Jesus,  1 timothy 2:5 AMP

 God bless you, I love you.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Drunk in Love

 Hey guys, 

Thanks for stopping by, so I guess with the title of this blog, you may have certain expectations, maybe a cautionary tale or a story about me being drunk in love with someone, well it might not quite be along those lines, (though that said, there are a few things that the Lord has asked me to share in that direction, so watch out for my next post " Love and Relationships, lessons learned along the way" )

This post however, will get a bit personal and share with you something the Lord showed me during a "Drunken moment" this post doesn't so much focus on being drunk in love with an individual but rather... anyone and everyone... I'll explain by sharing with you an experience I had yesterday...

I was walking down the road and I started speaking in other tongues, this joy welled up in my spirit and before long I was laughing in the Holy Ghost and there were surges of the anointing were running through my body, all of this was accompanied by a love that was burning in my heart, not directed to a specific person, but to everyone.

This is not something uncommon to me, at seemingly random times, this profound love burns in my heart in this overwhelming way, in such times I just want the whole world to know I love them. So as I was having this experience, I was contemplating this amazing thing that was happening and why it happens and the Lord spoke to me and said  "To be filled with the Spirit is to be filled with love, to be drunk in the Spirit is to be drunk in love" 

I was wowed and in that moment I understood so much more about the love of God and the Holy Ghost. When you're full of the Holy Ghost there should be an overflow of love to your world, uncontainable, indescribable, overflowing love, there should be a manifestation of God's love to your world and God's love in your heart. The product of you being full of the Holy Ghost is not just an awesome encounter with the Lord, but an overflow in your Spirit that should spill out and touch all those around you with the liquid love of God. You are filled so that you will overflow and cover your surroundings.


 The Holy Ghost will produce in you a deep sense of compassion and feeling for the infirmities of the people, you will feel what they feel, you will desire a change for them as much or even more so than you would desire a change for yourself. 

One thing that I have deeply experienced in my Christian life is the profound compassion that the Lord puts in my heart. When I encountered Jesus, I was heartbroken and full of pain but he healed my heart and gave me indescribable joy, however though my pain was taken away, I regularly feel heartbroken and pain not for myself but for others, though the beautiful end of this is that this feeling, this compassion, this love comes and propels me to act, it drives me to share the Gospel, it drives me to lay my hands and minister healing, it drives me to pray, - it dominates my life. You see what's wonderful is that no matter how much it hurts to see someone suffer or live below God's plan for their life, it is nothing in comparison to the joy that I experience when I see a change taking place in the name of the Lord Jesus - Nothing compares to it. 


 When you're full of the Spirit there's no room for unforgiveness, bitterness or malice, because in you there's a burning desire to love, love and love some more, it's a love that you can't keep to yourself, a love that you must express because it feels like it will burst out of your chest if you don't. it's an indiscriminate love, a love that extends to everyone. One of the first beautiful things the Lord did in my life was put in me the ability to forgive and let go of the hurt and the pain of the past. The day that I got born again he said to me "You can forgive and forget" and in that moment, the physical burden of unforgiveness and painful memories was lifted off of my shoulders, what replaced the pain was this deep and profound love, at the time there were specific people who I was struggling to forgive, who had hurt me deeply, but in that moment - all I wanted to do was find those people and tell them how much I love them. In that moment, every past hurt, every tear, every betrayal, every violation of trust was completely gone. Today I can honestly say that there is no one in this world that I cannot look in the eye and genuinely say "I love you" - and that is the power of the love of God.

Final thoughts

I'm full of love because I'm full of the Holy Ghost, and when I'm drunk in the Holy Ghost, I'm drunk in love, not with an individual but with the whole world and every one that comes into contact with me. 

Everything that the Holy Ghost does is a product of love and if we want to make true impact and touch lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ we must be driven and motivated by nothing but love for Gods people and a deep and unrelenting compassion for the lost. 

I'm drunk in love with YOU! <3 

Coming soon : "Love and relationships - Lessons learned along the way" It's been a journey and the Lord has taught me so much that I'm looking forward to sharing with you! 


Thursday 22 December 2016

What are you looking at?

Some time last year, I was contemplating how grateful I was for one of my friends and the relevance and impact that they were having in my life and the Spirit of God dropped this in my Spirit, "He is relevant because I gave Him relevance" then he began to elaborate that it is the light of His will that gives anything in my life meaning, anything outside of that light has no meaning in my life, if it isn't in line with his plan and purpose, if it's inconsistent with His Word, it is darkness to me and my eyes don't perceive it. As long as something is in line with God's will for my life it is relevant, the moment it is not, it ceases to be relevant.

 He showed me a vision where there was a dark room and a spot light, the room was full of objects yet the only thing that I could see were those things that were inside of the light, and He said to me that that is how my life should be, that is how my focus should be, that the only things that I see are those that are consistent with His will for my life, anything outside of that has no light and therefore has no meaning, for light gives meaning.

It doesn't matter how many objects are in a room, if there is no light, you will not see them, in the same way it doesn't matter what circumstances or opportunities may arise in your life, if it's inconsistent with the Word of God concerning you, there is nothing but darkness there. 
                         Related image

"Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my path [it shows how life should be lived]." Psalm 119:105 EXB

 So my question to you today is what are you looking at? are you guided by light or are you stumbling in the darkness? The things that you have occupied your mind with today, the thoughts that you have allowed, the meditations and considerations of your heart- can you find them in the light of the Word concerning you? Are they in line with Gods plan for your life? Are they drawing you closer to the fulfillment of his dream for you? If you know that that thought is inconsistent with what the Lord has planned for your life, if you know it's contrary to the Word,  why are you giving it breathing space in your consciousness? If you know that the Lord has not endorsed that thought, why are you entertaining it?

"Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life." Proverbs 4:23

 If you want to live and be all that the Lord has destined you to be, you must only see what he sees, you must only think what he thinks, you must only say what He says.

Don't brood over anything that you know is inconsistent with the Lord's plan - because in this time, where you may think you are innocently daydreaming or worrying, or exercising your imagination - you are in fact creating your life and before you know it, what was once an idea, will be before you as a full blown reality.

 If you want to live and be all that the Lord has destined you to be, you must only see what He sees, you must only think what He thinks, you must only say what He says and allow your thoughts to be synchronized with His thoughts - in Christ Jesus this is possible.

"For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart." 1 Corin 2:16 


If you've found that your thoughts are often inconsistent with the Word of God, then what you need is more of the Word of God, the Word will program your thinking until you find you are thinking the Word and therefore speaking and doing the Word. We must continually inundate our Spirits with the Word of God if we are to live a victorious life. 

"And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. " Rom 12:2


 Choose not to see outside of the Word of God, choose not to see outside of God's plan for your life. There may be opportunities for example that on the surface are beautiful, there is nothing inherently wrong with them, when you look into the Word you see nothing about them that is inconsistent, that's beautiful - that means it's passed the first security check lol,

 However, this is where your personal relationship and fellowship with the Spirit of God comes in, What's OK for one Christian may not necessarily be right for another, simply because of their individual purpose. Don't stop at finding out that there's nothing wrong with something (i.e. nothing in the Word of God say's it's wrong) and find out what's right with it? ( is this the right direction for me as an individual?), Is this consistent with God's unique plan for your life? What is the mind of God concerning this thing? One of the most beautiful privileges you have as a child of God is the liberty to speak to and receive guidance from the Spirit of God personally - take advantage of it.

Don't view the Word of God as a list of do's and don'ts but rather an insight into the heart of the father and a reflection of who you truly are in Him, see the Holy Ghost as the one who teaches you the Word and shows you how to apply it to your individual life. 

Once you've received counsel from the Holy Ghost, act on it and refuse to contemplate that which is outside of what He has told you to do - Remember anything outside the light  is darkness! you don't perceive it.
Maybe it's a job that you know that the Lord has not planned for you to take - stop looking at the job description and benefits! Maybe it's that relationship that the Lord has told you to leave alone - quit reliving the memories, delete the conversations, stop cyber stalking and go and seek the Lord and receive healing for your heart! Maybe it's a vision that the Lord has given you, that seems so far away, so impossible to achieve, so you keep considering a lesser option, a compromise, a plan B, something more realistic or achievable - No! Stop it, if the Lord has shown you that this is what He will do, then He is more than able to establish His plan in your life, trust and obey - maintain your gaze on what the Lord has said and see the wonders that can take place - anything is possible to him who believes.

In closing - I'll say this - Keep your mind Stayed on the Lord, stayed on the Word and on the things that He has given relevance in your life, contemplating anything else is not only a waste of your time but could lead you to a place that you were never suppose to be.

 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Issaiah 26:3

God bless you!

I love you

As usual please leave a comment if you have any questions or was touched in any way, I'd love to hear from you. 

P.S If you need some help on managing your mind and thoughts I highly recommend the book "The Power of your mind" by Rev Dr Christ Oyakhilome - it will not only show you how powerful your thoughts are but how to use them to live the glorious life that the Lord has planned for you.

Friday 5 August 2016

The Power of a yes - In Honor of Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome

When I think of my Pastor (Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome Phd) I cannot help but contemplate how I am a product of the Yes he said to God years before I was even born.

I came to salvation as a product of the Believers Loveworld Campus Ministry the campus arm of Christ embassy. I was born again in a BLW prayer meeting. Now obviously if all those years ago Pastor had not heard from God and said yes to His dream there would have been no BLW and no prayer meeting for me to come to salvation in.

Now I know a lot of people may say that if God wants to happen, it will happen whether men respond or not - but it's not true.

"I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one." Ezekiel 22:30

The reality is, even if God sends another, when his first choice doesn't respond, it may take time before the second option or third or 40th says yes and is fully equipped for the work and in this time, those to whom the person was sent  may perish before their solution reaches them. 

You see procrastination has consequences that are so far beyond you, deeper and further than you could possibly imagine.

When God speaks to you, you must respond as if you are the last hope, the last chance for this dream, this plan to come to pass because maybe you are. If you respond to God without regarding your individual importance and relevance in God's plan for mankind, you will deprive the world of what God wants to do thinking that someone else will do it. In your interactions with God you must respond as if you are the only one He has.

You see the plan God has for your life has so many interlinking connections, so many that are waiting on your yes and so many that are waiting on their yes. Without you realizing it you may have held back the answer for so many simply because your yes hasn't yet come. You matter. Your yes matters. The world is waiting for your yes.

View yourself in the bigger scheme of things, your destiny affects destinies. There are people out there waiting for you and some of them you will never have direct connection with, but the chain reaction of your yes, suddenly supplied the answer that they needed.

Stop procrastinating, say yes! Yes to the idea, yes to the discipline, yes to the direction, yes to the sacrifice, yes to the counsel in the depth of your heart even though the voice of doubt and fear have tried to dampen it. Say YES to the Word of God, respond to the inner witness, allow yourself to be lead by the Spirit.

It doesn't matter of before now you haven't said yes, you can make a new decision today, or maybe you have said yes with your mouth but your actions haven't lined up, maybe you have only said yes partially, maybe you are not putting your all into what God has asked you do, decide today to do differently, decide to say a yes that will show through all that you do, a yes with your whole heart. 

As I said I am a product of my Pastor's yes and when I look at his life and the extraordinary global impact that has resulted from his yes I am simply in awe. When I look at Rhapsody of Realities, The Healing School, The Inner City Mission, The Campus Ministry etc. not to mention the ever increasing spread of the Gospel to every nation of the earth I can't help but wonder what if he never said yes? And then I wonder what will happen in this world because I said yes? And what would I deprive the world of If I don't say yes? 

God had invested so much in me and it's my responsibility to make it manifest for the world to see, I must make sure I do all I can do with everything he has given me, I must be the best of me, why? Because necessity is laid on me, truly I am called for such a time as this - my world is waiting for me, how could I be so selfish to say anything other than yes?

What will your yes to mean to the world? It is better to act and see than to remain inactive and wait until the Lord unfolds all your potential impact to you on the day that you meet Him.

Leave this world empty, no stone untouched, no word unspoken, no words unwritten, no idea not worked on, no land uncultivated. Its all inside of you, don't keep it there.

Say yes. The world needs your yes. The Lord needs your yes.

Thank you Pastor Chris for saying yes and making it possible for me to say yes. Thank you for the men and women you have raised who were sent to change my world. Thank you for changing my life, grateful doesn't even cut it. You are a wonder and I am so glad that God called me to this ministry and raised me under your teaching. I am a proud member of Believers Loveworld - God's vision. 

I love you deeply Sir.

*Useful links* 
Link to my Salvation testimony http://www.wikisozo.com/story/read/21992/index.html

Watch Pastor Chris Teachings http://www.pastorchrisonline.org/

Find out more about the Healing School http://enterthehealingschool.org/

Read Rhapsody of Realities http://www.rhapsodyofrealities.org/index.php/en/

Tuesday 19 July 2016

The Syndromes of Singleness - #1 The Expiry date

The Expiry Date Syndrome

There is an age that society has decided that you ought to be married by (this will vary depending on the culture and gender) and if you are not, then there is either a problem with you or you are just not trying hard enough and should immediately take affirmative action to remedy your desperate single situation lol. This has birthed in many singles the "The Expiry Date Syndrome" The consciousness of approaching age milestones and their relevance to marriage. 

 The trouble with this programming, that society and culture has inflicted on people is that it has people walking around like soon to expire goods. When a shop wants to get rid of items before they reach expiry date they lower the price. In lowering the price, firstly they attract buyers that may have not been interested in the product had it been sold at full price and secondly, they attract a quick sale as everyone wants to take advantage of a high priced item that is suddenly available for a discounted price.

So many singles that are nearing or at the "I should be married by now" age lower their standards, they begin to compromise on things that once upon a time would have been a no go area, they begin to pursue relationships that previously would have never entered their radar, acting out of desperation rather than revelation, taking steps coming from a place of fear rather than wisdom. They lower their price. Don't let this be your story. 

It is a dangerous position to be in when you make a decision based on the erroneous understanding that you have no other option, as a child of God you cannot be backed into a corner, you have a choice. 

Know who you are! 

You are God's very own , his own special purchased possession bought with the highest price - the precious blood of Jesus. No matter how old you are or how old you get you are not decreasing in value, in fact as a child of God your path is shining brighter and brighter day by day - you are an asset , a blessing to any one that comes into contact with you. If anyone is blessed enough to have you as an addition to their life then that is something for them to be thankful for, know who you are. Don't allow anything including time to decrease your self value - hold yourself in high esteem, because the less value you see in yourself, the less you will expect in others treatment of you. See yourself the way God sees you and permit nothing less than His standard for you. 

Don't be overcome by the outward pressures but rather find direction in the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of the pressure that friends, family, circumstances or time may place on you refuse to act like an item on the shelf waiting for someone to finally purchase you. You are worth so much more than that. 

Yes it can be challenging, especially if you have family members constantly on your case for the invitation that they are so eagerly awaiting and getting over excited anytime they see you interact with someone of the opposite sex, but hold on, endure their comments and choose to exercise wisdom, because when all is said and done you will be the one married, you will be the one living in that house, with that person day in and day out for the rest of your life. 

People will always have opinions or a direction that they desire for you, this will never cease, but if you don't have that inner witness in your Spirit, if you don't have a green light from the Spirit of God you are under no obligation to move. Respectfully yet unapologetically stay put - this is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life, this decision will surely affect your destiny, it should not by any means be taken lightly.

Final comments (for now)

Ladies - the Lord values you so much that He expects any man that He blesses with you as a wife to love you the same way Christ loved the church, a man that will cleanse you and nourish you with the Word. The Lord calls a wife "A good thing" to be found, a good thing doesn't run around searching for someone to find it - it just is what it is and the goodness of it, the radiance of it, the qualities that it possesses attracts those who are in pursuit of it. So ladies you just keep working on you, keep developing you - for you - blossom, grow, advance, make impact, be all that God has destined you to be, don't be distracted looking for when you will finally be found, keep your eyes on where you are right now, be busy with today's assignment, be focused, trusting that He has made all things beautiful in their time. 

Gentlemen - Don't be so consumed with trying to find your help meet that you are distracted from the very work that you would even need help with, keep building, keep pursuing the vision, stay focused if and when it's time for you to find, do so with the counsel of the Holy Spirit, not on a frantic search that jumps on the closest available and willing sister. Then,whilst in pursuit stay on course because any woman that would make a suitable help meet for you will have her eyes open to locate the vision that she would potentially be helping you with and if in your chasing of her the vision is now nowhere to be seen, she may just take her help where it is more needed. A woman is full of resources, she naturally wants to help, to be useful and locate her place. The most attractive thing for a woman of purpose is a man who is set on the course that he must follow, don't veer off you path in pursuit of something that ought to have added to the fulfillment of your vision rather than hindering it. 

In all, don't let your life be dominated and controlled by man's timing or opinion. Above all else desire to please the Lord with your life and be ready and willing to follow Him wherever and whenever He may lead you. Your friends and family have insight in to your today but only God can guide you based on an accurate picture of your tomorrow. Don't be moved simply by the time depicted by the hands on the clock and the date in the calendar, move with insight into God's timing, the season of life that he has prepared for you for the now.

 Today is relevant, today matters, don't be missing in action in the assignment God has given you today because you are longing for a season that is yet to arrive. The Single you is no less relevant than the married you. Go after God, go after the Word, go after your purpose, anything else is secondary. Your world is waiting for you.  Eternity awaits. 

Jesus is coming back soon. 

I love you 

Esther Miracle 

Feel free to drop a comment or a message 

God bless you

Wednesday 6 July 2016

The little things.. Part 1

The little things can mean so much. 

Random acts of Kindness 

These are so beautiful, things that you do without any particular motive in mind, without being prompted, it is not an action in response to another just a decision to do something purely with the intention to make someone elses world that bit brighter - amazing right? It could be to a friend, family member, colleague or a complete stranger and it doesn't have to be much. It could be as simple as saying "Good morning, I hope you have a beautiful day" to that person who is looking far from pleased that they are on their daily commute to work, or noticing from afar that someone is in need of something and deciding to surprise them with it. In short, doing something unexpected that you know will bring a smile to another's face.

Appreciation and affirmation 

Make it a habit to appreciate and affirm those you come into contact with. Let people know that you appreciate them regularly. Real appreciation cannot be internal, it must be expressed and when you do express appreciation, be genuine and specific - don't just make something up, speak from your heart and let them know exactly what you appreciate and why. Anything that you appreciate in your life will increase, in fact one of the definitions of appreciate other than to express gratitude is to "rise in value or worth".

 Don't just think nice thoughts say nice things. 

There is a saying that says "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything" Well what I would say is "If you have something nice to say then say it!" Often we have beautiful thoughts about others in our minds, but they remain as that - thoughts, although it is beneficial to your own Spirit to have positive thoughts towards others - as a thought alone it cannot bless the other person - give that thought expression.

How many times have you seen someone and thought "Wow her hair is nice" or "That is a really nice dress" Why not tell her?

Imagine this, a girl has been struggling with her self esteem and although outwardly to you she looks amazing, she's fighting an inner battle, so you kindly give her a genuine compliment and continue your day, maybe you will never meet her again but because of that kind comment you made suddenly she's boosted, you've brought light into the darkness that was trying to bring her down, now she's walking taller and seeing beauty in herself that she didn't see before - all because of one simple compliment. 

There are hateful words that echo in someone's mind over and over again - but they cannot be stronger or more powerful than Words that were birthed from love - you can make the difference, you can break down the structures that negative expressions have built in someones mind by sending in a message of love and kindness.

Maybe you have read something online, or watched a video and thought to yourself afterwards - "Wow I was really blessed by this" or "This was really helpful" - Why not leave a comment for the author?

Maybe someone has been working on something for some time and they have been feeling disappointed with the results and are tempted to quit, then along comes you with a word of encouragement or an affirmation and suddenly they have the drive and motivation to continue, to fight another day, to keep going and keep pushing. Wouldn't you like to be the reason that someone didn't give up?

You may never know the impact your simple words of kindness may have, you may never know how much someone needs to hear what you have to say. You may never know how the little things that you do can make such a huge imprint on someones heart.

Decide today to make a definite and deliberate attempt to be more expressive with your love and kindness. Don't just think your compliments - say them. Don't hold back your appreciation, express it boldly in love. Someone somewhere is waiting for your words

I have more to say on this, but that will be in part 2, but I pray that this blesses you and as a product of you reading this, the people around you experience that bit more love from you to them.  



Lots of love 

Esther Miracle


Proverbs 16:24 

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. 


Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 


1 Thessalonians 5:11

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.



Friday 24 June 2016

Bigger than Brexit

 So I woke up this morning to the news that Britain had voted to leave the EU. My Facebook timeline is full of disappointed people and people that are scared about what this now means for their life. The News is full of fear with reports of the pound being it's lowest since 1985 - talks of job losses, price increases, travel restrictions etc. There is fear everywhere. 
Photo Credit BloomBerg http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-23/pound-tumbles-on-results-from-northeast-england-in-eu-referendum

 For young people (Who voted with a majority of 75% to remain in the EU) there is talk of how their future has been decided by the generation that will not be around to suffer the consequences. Everywhere you look there are negative reports. However, I have made up my mind to look at this situation through the eyes of the Word of God. 

"When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up" Job 22:29

I cannot think like an ordinary person because I have not been called to live an ordinary life. I may be in this world but I am not of this World. I may be in Britain but I am not of Britain. I am a citizen of Heaven. I am from above and therefore I play by a different set of rules. 

Let's look at the Story of Noah, trouble was coming, but God told Noah to build an ark and even as the flood came and destroyed that world, the same waters held up Noah's ark. The more the floods grew the higher the ark rose up. (Genesis 5). In this flood of economic downfall, Jesus is our Ark, the same floods that were sent to destroy will only cause you to rise higher in Christ. However, to experience this you need to do what Noah did and walk with God. 

To walk with God means to live by His principals, to follow His way. You cannot live by the principals of the natural man and expect to see supernatural results in your life. If you handle your finances like a citizen of Britain, you will surely experience the economic downfall that the citizens of Britain are subject to. If you think like a British Citizen, if you talk fear and downfall like everyone else that will be your experience. However, if you think, talk and act like the Citizen of Heaven that you are, you will continually experience a life of prosperity irrespective of the economic status of the land that you live in. 

Keys things to remember for the one that is #BiggerThanBrexit 

1. Meditate on the Word of God, Study the Word, think on the Word, speak the Word concerning your life, with the media attempting to fill your heart with fear and expectations of lack and distress, you must make a deliberate effort to fill your heart with God's truth, you must continually remind yourself of who you are and what you have. Take Psalms 23 for example - "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want" let the Word eclipse every other source of information that will be coming to you at this time. 

2.  Sow your seed - " While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Gen 8:22. The power of the pound or whatever currency you use may drop but the power of your seed cannot be reduced. Keep sowing, keep giving, your harvest is sure, your seed will cause you to soar above the financial constraints of this Land. No matter how circumstances may be, don't let it stop you from giving, even when there is trouble all around in that place you will still receive a multiplied harvest "Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him." (Genesis 26) The land that he sowed in was the land that was in famine. "But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the power to make wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today"  Deut 8:18 That power is seed Power - not the power of the pound - SEED POWER.  

3. Pay your tithe and your first fruit - Take them seriously, they are keys Gods financial principals, they are your financial security, don't compromise them for anything. With these the devourer is rebuked for your sake, your money is sanctified. Choose to follow the Word - it is for your benefit. 

You are indeed Bigger than Brexit instead of joining in social media fear frenzy use the hashtag #BiggerThanBrexit to proclaim who you are in Christ and what you have. 

You are different. Fear Not, We are not subject to this world and its systems.  

I love you 

Esther Miracle xxx

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This Post was inspired by the teaching of my man of God Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome in the message - Gods last Word on your finances - I highly recommend you check it out by clicking the link above.

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Bigger than Brexit

 So I woke up this morning to the news that Britain had voted to leave the EU. My Facebook timeline is full of disappointed people an...