Spoken Word - I See people

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The little things.. Part 1

The little things can mean so much. 

Random acts of Kindness 

These are so beautiful, things that you do without any particular motive in mind, without being prompted, it is not an action in response to another just a decision to do something purely with the intention to make someone elses world that bit brighter - amazing right? It could be to a friend, family member, colleague or a complete stranger and it doesn't have to be much. It could be as simple as saying "Good morning, I hope you have a beautiful day" to that person who is looking far from pleased that they are on their daily commute to work, or noticing from afar that someone is in need of something and deciding to surprise them with it. In short, doing something unexpected that you know will bring a smile to another's face.

Appreciation and affirmation 

Make it a habit to appreciate and affirm those you come into contact with. Let people know that you appreciate them regularly. Real appreciation cannot be internal, it must be expressed and when you do express appreciation, be genuine and specific - don't just make something up, speak from your heart and let them know exactly what you appreciate and why. Anything that you appreciate in your life will increase, in fact one of the definitions of appreciate other than to express gratitude is to "rise in value or worth".

 Don't just think nice thoughts say nice things. 

There is a saying that says "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything" Well what I would say is "If you have something nice to say then say it!" Often we have beautiful thoughts about others in our minds, but they remain as that - thoughts, although it is beneficial to your own Spirit to have positive thoughts towards others - as a thought alone it cannot bless the other person - give that thought expression.

How many times have you seen someone and thought "Wow her hair is nice" or "That is a really nice dress" Why not tell her?

Imagine this, a girl has been struggling with her self esteem and although outwardly to you she looks amazing, she's fighting an inner battle, so you kindly give her a genuine compliment and continue your day, maybe you will never meet her again but because of that kind comment you made suddenly she's boosted, you've brought light into the darkness that was trying to bring her down, now she's walking taller and seeing beauty in herself that she didn't see before - all because of one simple compliment. 

There are hateful words that echo in someone's mind over and over again - but they cannot be stronger or more powerful than Words that were birthed from love - you can make the difference, you can break down the structures that negative expressions have built in someones mind by sending in a message of love and kindness.

Maybe you have read something online, or watched a video and thought to yourself afterwards - "Wow I was really blessed by this" or "This was really helpful" - Why not leave a comment for the author?

Maybe someone has been working on something for some time and they have been feeling disappointed with the results and are tempted to quit, then along comes you with a word of encouragement or an affirmation and suddenly they have the drive and motivation to continue, to fight another day, to keep going and keep pushing. Wouldn't you like to be the reason that someone didn't give up?

You may never know the impact your simple words of kindness may have, you may never know how much someone needs to hear what you have to say. You may never know how the little things that you do can make such a huge imprint on someones heart.

Decide today to make a definite and deliberate attempt to be more expressive with your love and kindness. Don't just think your compliments - say them. Don't hold back your appreciation, express it boldly in love. Someone somewhere is waiting for your words

I have more to say on this, but that will be in part 2, but I pray that this blesses you and as a product of you reading this, the people around you experience that bit more love from you to them.  



Lots of love 

Esther Miracle


Proverbs 16:24 

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. 


Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 


1 Thessalonians 5:11

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.



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