Is it you that is running from one failed relationship to another ?, from one let down to another , one heartbreak to the next , loosing a little part of you each time , yet going back for more, because you just want that love- that security , that closeness...but every time it ends the same a little more damaged , insecure and lonelier than ever and waiting for the next to come along to ease the pain- but they can't , they can only mask it until the cracks begin to show once again . When you have an expectation for a man or woman to fill a God shaped void they will always fall short eventually. It can't work - not the way you want it to . You need the love of God. The unfailing, unconditional, unending love of God. The love that doesn't regard the mistakes of the past, the Love that looks at you and doesn't judge and condemn you for the person you are today , or the faults you may have but gently guides you on how to improve yourself and encourages you looking towards the greatness of your future, the love that you can never be separated from no matter what you do , the love that never changes even if you do . The love that brings you Joy that is unconditional, that stays with you no matter the circumstances around you. The love that you can turn to at any time. The Love that gave the ultimate sacrifice for YOU, died for your sins so that YOU would not perish but have everlasting life and not just that but live life to the full in this world, no longer being a victim of this world and its sickness, poverty and depression but victorious in all your ways. The love that gave you power over all things and the ability to achieve the "impossible".
Let me introduce to you your First Love
Jesus Christ - Your Saviour