Spoken Word - I See people

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Syndromes of Singleness - #1 The Expiry date

The Expiry Date Syndrome

There is an age that society has decided that you ought to be married by (this will vary depending on the culture and gender) and if you are not, then there is either a problem with you or you are just not trying hard enough and should immediately take affirmative action to remedy your desperate single situation lol. This has birthed in many singles the "The Expiry Date Syndrome" The consciousness of approaching age milestones and their relevance to marriage. 

 The trouble with this programming, that society and culture has inflicted on people is that it has people walking around like soon to expire goods. When a shop wants to get rid of items before they reach expiry date they lower the price. In lowering the price, firstly they attract buyers that may have not been interested in the product had it been sold at full price and secondly, they attract a quick sale as everyone wants to take advantage of a high priced item that is suddenly available for a discounted price.

So many singles that are nearing or at the "I should be married by now" age lower their standards, they begin to compromise on things that once upon a time would have been a no go area, they begin to pursue relationships that previously would have never entered their radar, acting out of desperation rather than revelation, taking steps coming from a place of fear rather than wisdom. They lower their price. Don't let this be your story. 

It is a dangerous position to be in when you make a decision based on the erroneous understanding that you have no other option, as a child of God you cannot be backed into a corner, you have a choice. 

Know who you are! 

You are God's very own , his own special purchased possession bought with the highest price - the precious blood of Jesus. No matter how old you are or how old you get you are not decreasing in value, in fact as a child of God your path is shining brighter and brighter day by day - you are an asset , a blessing to any one that comes into contact with you. If anyone is blessed enough to have you as an addition to their life then that is something for them to be thankful for, know who you are. Don't allow anything including time to decrease your self value - hold yourself in high esteem, because the less value you see in yourself, the less you will expect in others treatment of you. See yourself the way God sees you and permit nothing less than His standard for you. 

Don't be overcome by the outward pressures but rather find direction in the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of the pressure that friends, family, circumstances or time may place on you refuse to act like an item on the shelf waiting for someone to finally purchase you. You are worth so much more than that. 

Yes it can be challenging, especially if you have family members constantly on your case for the invitation that they are so eagerly awaiting and getting over excited anytime they see you interact with someone of the opposite sex, but hold on, endure their comments and choose to exercise wisdom, because when all is said and done you will be the one married, you will be the one living in that house, with that person day in and day out for the rest of your life. 

People will always have opinions or a direction that they desire for you, this will never cease, but if you don't have that inner witness in your Spirit, if you don't have a green light from the Spirit of God you are under no obligation to move. Respectfully yet unapologetically stay put - this is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life, this decision will surely affect your destiny, it should not by any means be taken lightly.

Final comments (for now)

Ladies - the Lord values you so much that He expects any man that He blesses with you as a wife to love you the same way Christ loved the church, a man that will cleanse you and nourish you with the Word. The Lord calls a wife "A good thing" to be found, a good thing doesn't run around searching for someone to find it - it just is what it is and the goodness of it, the radiance of it, the qualities that it possesses attracts those who are in pursuit of it. So ladies you just keep working on you, keep developing you - for you - blossom, grow, advance, make impact, be all that God has destined you to be, don't be distracted looking for when you will finally be found, keep your eyes on where you are right now, be busy with today's assignment, be focused, trusting that He has made all things beautiful in their time. 

Gentlemen - Don't be so consumed with trying to find your help meet that you are distracted from the very work that you would even need help with, keep building, keep pursuing the vision, stay focused if and when it's time for you to find, do so with the counsel of the Holy Spirit, not on a frantic search that jumps on the closest available and willing sister. Then,whilst in pursuit stay on course because any woman that would make a suitable help meet for you will have her eyes open to locate the vision that she would potentially be helping you with and if in your chasing of her the vision is now nowhere to be seen, she may just take her help where it is more needed. A woman is full of resources, she naturally wants to help, to be useful and locate her place. The most attractive thing for a woman of purpose is a man who is set on the course that he must follow, don't veer off you path in pursuit of something that ought to have added to the fulfillment of your vision rather than hindering it. 

In all, don't let your life be dominated and controlled by man's timing or opinion. Above all else desire to please the Lord with your life and be ready and willing to follow Him wherever and whenever He may lead you. Your friends and family have insight in to your today but only God can guide you based on an accurate picture of your tomorrow. Don't be moved simply by the time depicted by the hands on the clock and the date in the calendar, move with insight into God's timing, the season of life that he has prepared for you for the now.

 Today is relevant, today matters, don't be missing in action in the assignment God has given you today because you are longing for a season that is yet to arrive. The Single you is no less relevant than the married you. Go after God, go after the Word, go after your purpose, anything else is secondary. Your world is waiting for you.  Eternity awaits. 

Jesus is coming back soon. 

I love you 

Esther Miracle 

Feel free to drop a comment or a message 

God bless you

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