Spoken Word - I See people

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Choose to be humble


When you find yourself in a situation where you are tempted to respond in pride, stop for a moment and recognize that this is in fact an opportunity for promotion. If you choose to exercise humility and lay aside pride you will see promotion, However, if you respond in pride this will keep you in your current state and prevent you from making progress in that line.

Pride's purpose is to produce stagnancy in your life whereas humility is the catalyst for promotion. You may be tempted by pride but see it as an invitation for promotion if only you will respond rightly.

For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Matthew 23:12

For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. Psalm 75:6-7

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. James 4:10

God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble James 4:6

He sees, He knows, He cares, He is enough.

Take heart.. rest in him.. his love and care for you is beyond human understanding.. Sleep well tonight.. Lay it down before him and go to sleep.. tomorrow is a new day and his mercies are new every morning. You're gonna be alright..

Love always 

Esther Miracle

Is enough finally enough?


Now will you finally decide that enough is enough? Let the pain push you into decisive action. Yes you may be here today but it doesn't mean you must be here tomorrow. You can decide to do things differently, you can begin again. Until you are uncomfortable with your today you may not have the motivation to create a better tomorrow, be content with where you are but always decide to move forward, make up your mind to continually make progress.. never be settled in stagnation.

Why do I write?

Writing for me is a very important part of my fellowship with the Holy Ghost.. as he speaks to my heart I write and as I write he floods my mind with thought after thought..I'm inspired encouraged and uplifted every time I write.

As days go by and things happen it's as if my heart becomes full, full of information, full of emotion, full of inspiration and I have this undeniable need for an outl
et to release what's within and as he speaks to me and I write and share with you, there is a release in my Spirit.. there is a beautiful peace that it brings but until I release it, it sits with me on my chest because it has to come out, I have to share because many times what the Lord says to me is not for me alone in fact at times, the Holy Ghost will begin to speak to me about a specific person or group of people and give me something to write for them and it's uncomfortable to keep it here with me because there is someone out there that needs it.

For me writing is extremely therapeutic, It's an outlet of expression like no other, God speaks to and through me in a special way when I write and it has such an important place in our relationship.

So for me, Social media is not a joke, it is a place where I have the privilege and responsibility to share what the father has laid in my heart.

Sometimes my chest almost feels like bursting with the intensity of feeling whether it be love, joy, gratitude or concern for another and as I write it is channeled into every Word that I write, he takes my hand and guides every construction, I hear I write and he pours out more and more..

So much more to write in the days to come and I look forward to sharing with you from the father's heart to mine on a larger scale... It's time to write like never before..

Be the best of you!


You've got to have a determination that says no matter what it takes, no matter what has been, I'm gonna be the best of me. Plough through the challenges, the mistakes along the way, pick yourself up, keep your head up and maintain your gaze. He believes in you because he knows what he has invested in you. You are well and able, you will get there, yes it's a journey, but remember where you are headed, remember that you are necessary and for the sake of the world around you, you must of necessity triumph. You must do whatever it takes to bring out all the treasures within you. There is excellence in you, there is productivity in you, you are pregnant with purpose and it's only a matter of time before you give birth. Keep pushing. Be encouraged you are able.

Love always


Start today!

Sometimes the gravity of the change you want to see can put you off from starting. You look at the big picture and recognise the substantial gap between where you are and where you want to be and allow it to intimidate you from making a start.

Do not fear starting, begin with a small commitment to the change. For example, maybe you have a huge fitness transformation that you want to see, so you
could start with a short 30 minute workout daily, yes it may not in the long run be enough to produce the final picture you desire but remember, starting with a small commitment to your dream is laying the foundation for the larger commitments you will eventually make.

You need to start somewhere knowing that you will increase and grow from there. Start with a commitment that is so easy to make that you can easily be consistent with it, give yourself time, allow that one to become a habit, then step up your game, move to the next level and keep growing from there.

This goes for anything, don't wait until you have it all together, start today, start small, knowing that you are simply laying foundations and that piece by piece the big vision will be accomplished.

Maybe it's your prayer life, maybe you desire to be spending hours in prayer daily but there are days that pass by that you haven't prayed at all. You resolve that from today every day I'll pray for 2 hours and then end up frustrated and feeling condemned when you don't even come close to it. Start with a small commitment maybe 15 minutes in the morning 15 in the evening, yes definitely you should spend more than that, but start somewhere and build from there.

Start today.

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin" Zechariah 4:10a

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