Spoken Word - I See people

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Open up your factory and start producing !

Your thoughts have creative ability, if you can imagine something , creating a clear picture of it , conceiving it in your mind from there it is able to manifest itself physically. Consider your mind a factory , a product must first be made in the factory before it can be released into the shops for people to use. In the factory a product is assembled, any necessary adjustments are made , all the pieces are put together and quality tested before they are given the all clear to go out . Consider your mind the same way, in your mind you create your end product- that thing that you desire, you put all the components together, for example, if you desire a new job , the components may be the job title, the location , the hours that you will work, the responsibilities you will have , the salary you will be paid etc. you create these components in your mind , assembling them together , you then take a look at it , look at the picture that you see, is everything in place? is there anything that needs to be added, you do quality control on it , you ask yourself is this ready to go out? am I happy for this thing that I have created to show up in my life? if yes you continue with creating that image in your mind, you start to see it , how it will affect your life, how it will be , you see yourself possessing that thing in the physical. If you have truly taken hold of it in your mind, if in your mind you have conceived it , there is nothing that can stop you from conceiving it in the physical because in the realm of the spirit you have already produced it. When you want something to happen in your life, go to your factory , go to your mind , imagine it, there is creative power in your imagination . In the same way a company cannot release a product they have not yet produced in their factory , you cannot have something that you cannot yet see in your mind  , if you can see it you can receive it . Once you have seen it , once the image is so firm in your mind , once it is real to you , continue speaking it forth . Consider your words the delivery man for the product but as I said your imagination is the factory. Sometimes we can be speaking forth something that we cannot conceive in our minds happening , we can speak without any real expectation or belief , or any clear picture. Expecting the delivery men to deliver a product that has not yet been produced . Let your imagination cooperate with your faith proclamations and there is no end whatsoever to the things that you can create . All things are possible . 

Do note however that there is anything that can be created through your imagination and faith proclamations , this can be a positive or a negative thing, it's just up to what you  decided to produce in your factory and deliver . your imagination is the key to your future , if you do not want to see it in your life - stop imagining it !  stop speaking it fourth , a company cannot complain about a product it chose to produce. Stop seeing that fear of yours come to pass , instead start to see the change , see what you want to happen , not what the spirit of fear is trying to convince you  will happen . Control your thoughts because they control your life.  It's all up to you  - Go and create something beautiful!

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us," Ephesians 3:20

For more insight on the creative power of your imagination I recommend reading Rev Chris Oyakhilome PhD's book "Recreating your world" 

Friday, 19 April 2013

Me Presenting LoveWorld Tv's Da Lyfe - Do You have a testimony to share?


What a privilege and honor it is to share God's Word on LoveWorld Tv's Da Lyfe , Here I am interviewing Joseph Musa with his inspiring testimony of how the Word of God took him from paralysis from the head down and daily doses of medication to walking Unaided and free from medication despite the fact that the doctors told him that he would be on medication for the rest of his life and would never walk again.   Praise the Lord.

If you are a young person with a testimony to share Please email dalyfe@loveworldtv.co.uk  or call 02075115830 , or you can drop me a comment .
Thank you

God bless You

Keep Living "Da Lyfe"
Sky Channel 568  Watch Live

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

I'm so loved

The Love of God. It's too much , every day I understand more and more about just how much he loves me..I am his very own , special to him, he is always watching me, never leaving my side, he is so faithful, so loving , so wonderful, so awesome, he cares for me as if I'm the only one in this earth, he chose me. 

He saw into the depths of my heart, saw the pictures I had created within and showed me those things coming to fruition, he illuminated my mind and showed me the way where there seemed to be no way, he brought me close to that very thing that seemed so far away, my comforter, my confidence, my confidant, my Lord...The Lord over all things...I will never stop testifying of your goodness ♥#

Monday, 15 April 2013

Find True Love

Is it you that is running from one failed relationship to another ?, from one let down to another , one heartbreak to the next , loosing a little part of you each time , yet going back for more, because you just want that love- that security , that closeness...but every time it ends the same way..you a little more damaged , insecure and lonelier than ever and waiting for the next to come along to ease the pain- but they can't , they can only mask it until the cracks begin to show once again . When you have an expectation for a man or woman to fill a God shaped void they will always fall short eventually. It can't work - not the way you want it to . You need the love of God. The unfailing, unconditional, unending love of God. The love that doesn't regard the mistakes of the past, the Love that looks at you and doesn't judge and condemn you for the person you are today , or the faults you may have but gently guides you on how to improve yourself and encourages you looking towards the greatness of your future, the love that you can never be separated from no matter what you do , the love that never changes even if you do . The love that brings you Joy that is unconditional, that stays with you no matter the circumstances around you. The love that you can turn to at any time. The Love that gave the ultimate sacrifice for YOU, died for your sins so that YOU would not perish but have everlasting life and not just that but live life to the full in this world, no longer being a victim of this world and its sickness, poverty and depression but victorious in all your ways. The love that gave you power over all things and the ability to achieve the "impossible".

Let me introduce to you your First Love

Jesus Christ - Your Saviour

Friday, 15 March 2013

Sharpen your pencil !

A pencil has all the lead it requires to be an excellent writing instrument , but you must sharpen it before you can use it . Sharpening does not add anything but rather brings out what is already there and removes those things that are hiding the potential of the pencil Its the same with you God has placed in you all you require , the ability is already alive in you . But you require sharpening to unleash your potential . How are you sharpened? Through meditating on the Word God , fellowship with the Holy Spirit , and overcoming challenges as a result of the other two combined . As well as being in the right place at the right time, attending programs designed by the Spirit of God .You have to be prepared for the masters use , you have to sharpen yourself , you could have it in you to chop down forests you'll only ever cut some Daisy's until you reach the point where you have prepared for the next level of task . You are God's battle axe his weapon of war , you have to be sharp for the Work ahead , you have to release what's burning on the inside. The world needs it.

✰GetIntimateWithTheHolyGhost YourTrialIsATestmony 



Cook Your Chicken! Do the Word!

This raw chicken has all the potential of something tasty and nutritious but you must first prepare it , cook it and digest it before it will actually nourish your body and cure your hunger . 

This can be compared to the Word of God . When you receive the Word of God , whether it be through reading your bible , going to church , listening to a ministers message , whichever way, it comes to you in the "raw chicken" form - it is an essential stage , it has great potential , but there are things you must do with it before it is of any benefit to you. You can hear the 
Word of God time and time again and see no results - not because the Word does not work but because you didn't take the necessary steps. It's like leaving the chicken in it's raw state and then complaining that it has never nourished your body- its not the chicken that is the problem , its what you did with it . 

You must mediate on the Word of God , don't stop speaking the Word (Joshua 1:8) keep talking it , let it become you , let it be embedded firmly into your spirit - that way nothing can take it from you no circumstance can steal your revelation , let it become the only reality you acknowledge . Doing this is the same as the cooking process of the chicken , you are preparing the Word to be something that leads to your profiting , something that nourishes you and causes you to grow. Act on the Word that you hear, it is in your practical application of the Word you that your blessing lies (James 1:22) 

Some may wonder why when the attend so many church meetings and read their bible do they not see any results . Well its the same as an underweight person asking why am I not gaining any weight when I've been shopping so many times , my kitchen is full of food . Well the issue is you just sat in your kitchen and observed the food rather than actually cooking anything. 

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