"If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." John 15:19 . To the new creation in Christ you are no longer of this world , you have been CHOSEN out of the world , chosen to be the light of the world , how can you be a light if you just blend into the darkness? Light stands out of darkness because there is something different about it , something distinguishing , something that sets it apart . Light is a complete contrast to darkness , as a child of God , your life should be as such that it is a complete contrast to the life those still in the world experience. Perhaps they may not be able to define it , but people should be able to look at you and know that there is something about you , something that tells them you are not like everybody else . As you are a light don't expect for people to relate to you in the same way they do with others , in fact if they do then it's something that you should be concerned about. Whether it be in your actions , your speech , your experiences , your priorities , people should know that you are not an ordinary person. Don't keep your faith in Jesus to yourself , it is selfish . I know some may say "I have my beliefs and I respect and allow other people to have theirs , each to their own " no . If you truly believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ you know exactly what people are missing out on , and no it's not about being disrespectful to people or offensive but instead in love sharing with them the beautiful thing that you have received in Christ , telling them of the wonders he has done in your life and the wonders he wants to do in theirs. It's not about trying to have an argument with someone "I am right you are wrong" or condemning someone but bringing them the "Good news". Some may say that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs and though this may be true , you as the child of God know exactly what consequences this "entitlement" can bring if the wrong belief is adopted . Don't step back and watch people perish , minding your own buisness as people live without the gospel, when the truth is,you are no longer minding your own buisness but your fathers buisness ; which is what ? soul winning !
You are not of this world, people of this world cannot understand you and the life you lead but that is the way it has to be. Would a person go and buy something that is identical to what they already have - No , there is no point they will gain nothing new from it ,there is no attraction. In the same way your life in Christ has to be evidently different from that in the World.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" Matthew 5:16
"This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples" John 15:8
Your life is for the glory of God. Each and every blessing in your life is for the glory of God . Yes your father loves you and wants to bless you with those things you desire but he doesn't want it to stop at you , he wants this blessing to go further than you , he wants you to testify and bless the lives of others , he wants you to attract others into the light. Let it shine! If you have gone a long time without putting your faith to work , without demonstrating the power of God , without testifying you are not just short changing yourself but also those in your sphere of contact . Your world needs your testimonies! The next time you ask something of God , yes think about enjoying that thing he will provide for you but firstly think of the testimony it will give you , think about what you will do with that testimony , who you will bless with it , how it will become an instrument in your personal ministry. Even if you are praying for a personal need you can expand that desire to be bigger than you , to be for the good of others by just considering the potential of the testimony in every answered prayer .
As a child of God you will face persecution and critcism for the sake of the Gospel . Instead of trying to adjust your life to avoid it, keeping quiet about your faith, not actively winning souls - putting a dimmer switch on your light , let it instead shine brighter than it ever has before , it's the only way that souls will be attracted to you and your God , when they recognise something distinguishing , something with the ability to cause changes in their life . As for the persecution as we well know we are blessed for the persecution we may suffer and besides it is nothing compared to that which Jesus endured for our sake and truly nothing compared to the suffering that the unsaved will experience if us who have the light keep it hidden .
Thanks for reading
God bless you